
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tech Schooling

I'm really enjoying the learning. I attend my lectures with my laptop and my camera. I know, I could skip all these gizmo with the Iphone, but really how fast can one type on the Iphone or the Ipad? Just using existing technologies to enhance my learning is already a cause for joy. What's the camera for? To take pictures of slides, too condensed to bother typing or summarizing.

Rather than spend time copying notes, I'd rather listen and type out my responses to what the lecturer is saying, and update my notes by embedding the pics in the doc.

Plus, they weren't kidding when they said they were preparing us for 21C learning. Virtually all my courses have an ICT component. I'm being introduced daily to an overwhelming variety of tools.

Question is, will I be able to use what I've learnt?

Friday, September 10, 2010

In response to burning sacred texts

Dear friends,

let's remember to guard our own actions and words we speak (even on the Internet).

James 3:17- 18 tells us, "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."

It is very tempting being provoked, and not just provoked once but frequently, to respond back in kind. "They should have a taste of their own medicine," many would think. But we need to ask ourselves how our choices are formed. By the wisdom of God or by the wisdom of those who provoke you?


I don't understand why people feel the need to air grievances on the Internet. It just breeds a cycle of negativity without inspiring anyone to do anything and change what needs to be changed.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


No matter the number of years you've spent studying books, writing essays after essays, or even studying human behaviour, if you mistake your own lack of social skills as individualism, you live in a rather self-centred world my friend.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Waiting in the Academic Gown

It was a clear, incredibly sunny HOT afternoon. We retreated to the shade where I quickly put on my academic gown. So many stares and bemused expressions. It was embarrassing at first until I decided that I might as well ham it up, especially when waiting for my brother to get his camera settings right, and when your parents are fussing over your appearance... "shift your fringe," "pull up your collar," "adjust your hood", "straighten the crease in your gown,", "find a boyfriend and hurry up get married!" Okay, I added in the last one but that thought is probably at the back of my parents' minds whenever they see me lazing around the house.

By the end of the day, 5 people congratulated me (all western foreigners except for this cute Japanese businessman. Singaporeans and Asian tourists just stare. ^_^;) and I was asked by a lovely (German?) lady to take a picture of me with her Iphone. Unfortunately, the sun was too bright behind me, so I turned out dark in her camera.

I wonder what my reaction would have been if I saw someone taking academic photos or wedding photos at the Skypark? Would I have stared? Politely ignore? Or offer my congratulations? After this experience, I think offering congrats is just friendlier.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Is this SG?

"Is this Singapore?" wondered my mother.

Angels in the Sky

Family outing to Marina Bay Sands Skypark, where my brother took some pictures of me in my academic gown with his nifty DSLR. While he's busy editing the gazillion of shots, I shall show some nice pics by my Canon S90.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


At 17, I performed in here and realised a wistful dream.
At 19, I worked here in order to find a calling in life.
9 years later, I walked beside this building with colleagues,
right at the cusp of another dream.