
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Garden Corner

I've created my own garden corner!

I finally got an orchid plant. It's a small pot which I bought from the Pasar Malam set up near home. Did a little bit of research and found out that it is of the dendrobrium variety. Which variety is it exactly I've no idea. Think I'll go look for the aunty tonight and find out.

I also got this vine plant with cute pods and button like flowers.

Have no idea also what plant this is either too. Anybody knows? [I later found out it's common name is: Ant Plant]
Meanwhile my old favourites are still there surviving.

Compare them to when I first got them in April 07.

By the way, Em, the plant you gave to me is not a mint plant but an Indian Borage. See article link:

It's shooting up like nobody's business. Time to cut and repot.

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Workstation has expanded!

Sorry bro, when you come back to visit, there may not be space for your bed in my room cos... my workstation has expanded!

After last sem's intensive courses, witnessing the TON of reading materials strewn over my room, spilling over to the living room... I decided, I needed more table space. So I dragged the extra dinning table we had into my room. Idea courtesy of my mummy, who remarked offhandedly at the mess, 'you should use the table outside, more space.'

Good idea, mummy! I shall use the table outside, inside my room! Bwahahahaha.... Check out the ever evolving state of my study table.

From studying outside...

To studying inside...

Getting my L-shaped table extension...

Adding another extension....

Today's Workstation!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sistic outing

Today, I went to Sistic at JP and spent over $300 on tickets...

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Time Keeper Blog

The blog is a really useful thing for me to keep track of time and to remember important things I want to tell myself.

Of course there's always my trusty and beautiful organisor, not to mention my ever faithful diary. But the diary's too lengthy and too filled with details, and my organisor is too filled with tasks and events which may not be important enough to remember.

So, the blog's pretty good. Not only does it tell my important people the important stuff that's happening to me, it keeps track of the important stuff that are important enough for me to remember! And then some others... which are just pure entertainment. hahaha....

So today, what do I want to keep track of? It's my first day in school though school actually started two days ago. I miss my classmates, most of whom are in F_, which I did not sign up for, and is PACKED. I just sat for the 1st lecture of S_, T_ & Soc. He showed a Youtube video of an interview with a scientist. It was suppose to have been an awe inspiring clip of a world famous scientist talking about controvesies. I however, was totally lost. At the back of my head, I kept swinging between 'Maybe I should drop the course' and 'Why not wait and see, you can drop by 20 Jan)

Sigh, the funny part is, i just realised that now the 3rd years have finished the core modules, we won't be able to gather together in our little comfort grouping anymore. The only time we'll meet as a group will be at 'class gatherings'. Guys, I hope I'll see you all in T_ism or E_tions!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I've decided. This 2008, I shall enjoy more time alone with G_. That means more excursions to the Botanic Gardens, maybe that trip to the Museum to take a look at the Greek statues and more cycling to the ECP.

May your year be a lovely one too. May your heart continue to hope even in the midst of darkness.