
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tech Schooling

I'm really enjoying the learning. I attend my lectures with my laptop and my camera. I know, I could skip all these gizmo with the Iphone, but really how fast can one type on the Iphone or the Ipad? Just using existing technologies to enhance my learning is already a cause for joy. What's the camera for? To take pictures of slides, too condensed to bother typing or summarizing.

Rather than spend time copying notes, I'd rather listen and type out my responses to what the lecturer is saying, and update my notes by embedding the pics in the doc.

Plus, they weren't kidding when they said they were preparing us for 21C learning. Virtually all my courses have an ICT component. I'm being introduced daily to an overwhelming variety of tools.

Question is, will I be able to use what I've learnt?

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