It was a clear, incredibly sunny HOT afternoon. We retreated to the shade where I quickly put on my academic gown. So many stares and bemused expressions. It was embarrassing at first until I decided that I might as well ham it up, especially when waiting for my brother to get his camera settings right, and when your parents are fussing over your appearance... "shift your fringe," "pull up your collar," "adjust your hood", "straighten the crease in your gown,", "find a boyfriend and hurry up get married!" Okay, I added in the last one but that thought is probably at the back of my parents' minds whenever they see me lazing around the house.
By the end of the day, 5 people congratulated me (all western foreigners except for this cute Japanese businessman. Singaporeans and Asian tourists just stare. ^_^;) and I was asked by a lovely (German?) lady to take a picture of me with her Iphone. Unfortunately, the sun was too bright behind me, so I turned out dark in her camera.
I wonder what my reaction would have been if I saw someone taking academic photos or wedding photos at the Skypark? Would I have stared? Politely ignore? Or offer my congratulations? After this experience, I think offering congrats is just friendlier.