
Thursday, December 09, 2010

Pretty Woman

I was watching Pretty Woman, ostensibly to locate a particular song in the soundtrack for a lesson I'm planning, but basically watching the movie again... Haha

I've located my favourite scenes: firstly it's when Vivan and Edward go to the opera. Noo.... it's my favourite because of the opera, but when everyone looks at her as she walks down the hall.

I think it must have been every girl's fantasy or at least my childhood fantasy to be an attractive woman and have everyone admire you. Maybe that's why walking down the aisle on your wedding day is a must. It's your day for everyone's attention to be centred on you and for you to be dressed in the finest.

My second favourite is this scene when Edward and Vivian spend the day together and go horseback riding in the setting sun.

Besides the cool factor of having the horse riding skills, the glow of the setting sun on Vivian's red hair and Edward in an open collar shirt just spells Burberry. Maybe it's the gap... you usually see Edward in corporate suits, and being in a relaxed mood, plus the good looks just made me go over this short scene over and over again. LOL

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Taking a break

December is coming!
Great finds in NIE bookshop - cheap plain black books.
I'm happy personalizing them.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Quote of the day

"Ask not what your country can do for you -
ask what you can do for your country"
- John F.Kennedy

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Simple Pleasures of Life

It's kinda fun to learn stuff like this. Seriously.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

In the midst of thunderstorms

The most incredible experience of living in the tropics must be the monsoon season. I have not appreciate it much, seeing it mostly as a problem for drying clothes, and getting extremely wet. Today however, being in position to witness so many lightening streaks in the air, accompanied by the most incredible thunder I've ever heard, really left me in awe. Such a welcome after being plagued by haze.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Danse Macabre

How to play a Chopin Etude

While in school where there's an ample availability of pianos (nevermind the tuning and odd one or two sticky keys), I would want to play and be reacquainted with the black and white.

So I grabbed a score from the school library, and did some research on youtube to find out how to play the music. In my exploration, I discovered gems. Spine chilling gems. So I discarded my music score and decided to bring out my Chopin Etude score.

Listening to this last one brought tears to my eyes. Not saying it's the best, but it was the most emotional for me.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What's in the bag?

The essentials I carry nearly everyday... except for the earrings. I included them cos they are so cute. Thanks L!

Monday, October 04, 2010


I've a new friend! Marimo is my latest attempt to cultivate green fingers after my disaster with the poor cati. The scary thing about Marimo is that it photosynthesizes rapidly under my desk's lighting and I'm obligated to change the water every 1 - 2 days just so it can photosynthesize. Otherwise the poor thing will be suffocating under highly oxygenated water.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tech Schooling

I'm really enjoying the learning. I attend my lectures with my laptop and my camera. I know, I could skip all these gizmo with the Iphone, but really how fast can one type on the Iphone or the Ipad? Just using existing technologies to enhance my learning is already a cause for joy. What's the camera for? To take pictures of slides, too condensed to bother typing or summarizing.

Rather than spend time copying notes, I'd rather listen and type out my responses to what the lecturer is saying, and update my notes by embedding the pics in the doc.

Plus, they weren't kidding when they said they were preparing us for 21C learning. Virtually all my courses have an ICT component. I'm being introduced daily to an overwhelming variety of tools.

Question is, will I be able to use what I've learnt?

Friday, September 10, 2010

In response to burning sacred texts

Dear friends,

let's remember to guard our own actions and words we speak (even on the Internet).

James 3:17- 18 tells us, "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."

It is very tempting being provoked, and not just provoked once but frequently, to respond back in kind. "They should have a taste of their own medicine," many would think. But we need to ask ourselves how our choices are formed. By the wisdom of God or by the wisdom of those who provoke you?


I don't understand why people feel the need to air grievances on the Internet. It just breeds a cycle of negativity without inspiring anyone to do anything and change what needs to be changed.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


No matter the number of years you've spent studying books, writing essays after essays, or even studying human behaviour, if you mistake your own lack of social skills as individualism, you live in a rather self-centred world my friend.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Waiting in the Academic Gown

It was a clear, incredibly sunny HOT afternoon. We retreated to the shade where I quickly put on my academic gown. So many stares and bemused expressions. It was embarrassing at first until I decided that I might as well ham it up, especially when waiting for my brother to get his camera settings right, and when your parents are fussing over your appearance... "shift your fringe," "pull up your collar," "adjust your hood", "straighten the crease in your gown,", "find a boyfriend and hurry up get married!" Okay, I added in the last one but that thought is probably at the back of my parents' minds whenever they see me lazing around the house.

By the end of the day, 5 people congratulated me (all western foreigners except for this cute Japanese businessman. Singaporeans and Asian tourists just stare. ^_^;) and I was asked by a lovely (German?) lady to take a picture of me with her Iphone. Unfortunately, the sun was too bright behind me, so I turned out dark in her camera.

I wonder what my reaction would have been if I saw someone taking academic photos or wedding photos at the Skypark? Would I have stared? Politely ignore? Or offer my congratulations? After this experience, I think offering congrats is just friendlier.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Is this SG?

"Is this Singapore?" wondered my mother.

Angels in the Sky

Family outing to Marina Bay Sands Skypark, where my brother took some pictures of me in my academic gown with his nifty DSLR. While he's busy editing the gazillion of shots, I shall show some nice pics by my Canon S90.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


At 17, I performed in here and realised a wistful dream.
At 19, I worked here in order to find a calling in life.
9 years later, I walked beside this building with colleagues,
right at the cusp of another dream.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010


This is so cute... disturbingly emo and bloody though.

Light of Gold Lux Aurumque

The power of imagination, and the effort to pull off a dream.

Edward Esch's Light of Gold
Warm and heavy as pure gold
and the angels sing softly
to the new-born baby.
Lux Aurumque (trans. in Latin by Charles Anthony Silvestri)
Calida gravisque
Pura velut aurum
Et canunt angeli
Mollitermodo natum.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Bucket / Dream List

Since sleep does not seem to be coming soon, I shall think of stuff that I want to do. In no particular order or any importance embedded, subject to changes while living:

1. Learn to speak Cantonese. ( I want to be able to communicate fully with my grandparents!)
2. Learn to drive. (So helpful during CNY)
3. Learn to speak Japanese. (So I can finally understand those funny variety shows.)
4. Learn to speak Malay. (So I can finally understand my students.)
5. Learn to speak Indonesian. (I want to go back to Medan!)
6. Meet the right guy, get married and have two kids. (This one needs an order)
7. Teach English in a foreign land, and do missionary outreach.
8. Get a driving license.
9. Get a double bass performance diploma.
10. Buy a piano and get a piano performance diploma.
11. Bring new people to Christ every week.
12. Share the gospel with someone new every week.
13. Bring God's miraculous healing to people.
14. Organise my books.
15. Organise my clothes.
16. See Dad accept Christ, the whole family passionate for God.
17. See the bad debts fully paid up.
18. Get a music degree.
19. Get a bass amp and learn to play the electric bass,
20. Backpack to Jiuzaigou.
21. Hear the voice of God, literally.
22. Learn to use Skype.
23. Learn sweep-oar rowing.
24. Decorate my own home.
25. Take nicer photos
26. Have my own G12 group of leaders.
27. Get better at ironing.
28. Wash the windows.
29. See one of my songs used in church to praise and worship God.
30. Orchestrate one of my songs.
31. Bungee Jump
32. Tread water

By the grace of God, I pray and hope to be able to fulfil these soon if not now.
What is YOUR bucket list?

Warning! Do not drink this at 11pm!

One would think that University would have made me a more informed person, or at least teach me the value of drinking coffee for late night studying. Unfortunately, I applied the value at the wrong time and now am insomniac when I REALLY need to sleep. When morning comes, things should be rather interesting... for my friends.

I have been crafting

Counting down 5 days before I leave the school for teachers' college! There's not enough time to make one for all the people I want to thank, motivate, encourage... basically leave a momento behind.


So pleasing to see young earnest pondering minds.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Oxymoron; the handwritten email

Another brilliant find from Scription

Call me old fashion but nothings beats sincerity than a good effort in penmanship. The effort and discipline to train one's handwriting conveys more sincerity than a shallow effort to send a 'personal touch' through a computer mediated communication.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I really do not realise how much I tower over most people until I see pictures of myself with others.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A wild goose chase

A wild goose chase around Singapore, including a live band performances by 40DOF youths and the last video instalment of the "You Can" series - "You Can Dream".

Date: 10 Sep 2010
Venue: Start point at Bukit Merah Central
Time: 12pm
Ages: Teenagers
Registration fee: $8 (A T-shirt will be given to each participants)
Register by contacting me.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Relief Class

This is a great show to talk about history! Fighting Spiders is about growing up in Singapore during the 1960s. My relief classes never fail to be riveted. They get pretty bored when the plot focuses on the parent and child relationships, but the funny moments capturing the boys' playing antics are always the most popular.

When I tell them that the things they saw in the show really did happened, and bring their attention to the use of water basins (Sanitation system, water rationing), sitting on the road (Entrepreneurship), triads (Colonial governance, youth crimes, syndicates), and even the food the boys eat with their families (meritocracy), the students' eyes grow bigger! LOL! I love young minds.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

7pm in school 02

It was a magical evening when Simei turned into Sydney for one brief moment. LOL

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


No, this is not a drug raid, just a collection of medication to help me with my month long coughing spasms that culminated with a cold infection today.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A new toy!

I've got a new toy to play with! The best part of this camera is its plain looks! Nobody (except for people in the know) would want to steal it. Just in case though, I'm considering pasting a little mashimaro sticker with my name on it. Still thinking...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sammi Cheng 她回来了

Nothing much to say, just watch lah.


Friday, July 09, 2010

7pm in school

There's no deeper statement than 'I'm a pretty pony'.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

I feel like a dino

I've watched The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs way too many times. All credit due to the continual relief classes I took and a severe lack of imagination on relief teaching. Just bumping into a furniture gave me visions of having Triceratops hips. I am also able to whistle some of the background music from the documentary. I need new DVDs for relief teaching.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Today, I'm grateful for like-minded friends who are passionate for the same cause as I am. Having them makes working for the cause so much more enjoyable. The feeling is less of a work and more of an enjoyment, thinking is less of a chore and more of creative inspiration, and finally the effort is never an implicit nor explicit form of sacrifice, but a continuous outpouring of affection and devotion.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Gainsaying a person, proving your point, triumphing over others will not earn you respect. You just proved how violent a person you really are through your words.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I jogged

Finally, a day to myself! I spent a wonderful afternoon at a cafe writing my journal! Lol. Such a productive use of time. Unfortunately during the 3 - 4 hours at the cafe, I consumed a chocolate milk and a cafe mocha, which left me pretty bloated and guilty.

So when I reached home, the sun was setting and I decided to do something about the guilt and the calories that I do not count.

Unfortunately, I really detest jogging. It has absolutely no meaning for me whatsoever. Yet since I was too lazy to bring out the swim wear, and it was really too late to go cycling anywhere, jogging at my neighbourhood stadium was my last resort for exercise.

While walking there, I met other joggers who decided to warm up by jogging to the stadium. I steadfastly walked on and refused to jog.

When I reached the stadium, there were many joggers and some sprinters on the track. Everyone was evidently working hard to punish their bodies.

My mind rebelled against this hated sport and a conclusion was reached to not exert energy for this sport. However, since I was at the stadium, it would be pretty silly to simply walk back home. So I began jogging really slowly. My pace was so slow and casual, I did not need to breathe through my mouth, and many an elderly passed me by as I doddered my way around the track.

To my surprise, the experience became rather pleasant. I refused to bend myself to internal pressure and speed up to match the pace of other joggers. Instead I amused myself by changing my gait, lengthening and shortening my strides, bouncing a little more or a little less, and swishing my hips in an imaginative attempt to get rid of some excess fats. Before I knew it, 5 rounds were over and my mind was idly pondering the familiarity of some young sprinters who dashed past me twice.

After my 7th round, it was dark and my ears felt hot. It was time to go home. As I walked towards the stadium's exit, one of the young sprinters called out, "Cher!" Instinctively, I turned and realised to my horror that the young sprinters were students from my school. I had just demonstrated my lackadaisical jogging attempt in the presence of the very people I was suppose to be a role model for. Yet then again, despite my slow and casual jog, my unfit body was drenched with sweat. So I pretty much presented myself as I should be. Unfit, but making amends to be fit.

Since I had nothing to be ashamed of, I faced the student and inquired casually for the students' intrusive presence in my neighbourhood. They apparently lived in my neighbourhood too, which stands as a testimony of my country's success in increasing population density. Nobody really knows who their neighbours are. The students had came together at night in order to train during the school holidays.

After a few words, my student bid me farewell and rejoined his comrades. I made my way to the grandstand to do some stretches since the students may be watching, and one should always make it a point to do some cooling down stretches after exercising to prevent muscle aches and cramps.

Leaving the stadium and the view of my students, I steadfastly walked home.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

My favourite song for the moment

Something haunting about repetitive strings and circular harmonies. LOL!

Though I have to admit that costume, which shoots laser beams, is rather distracting.

Let's go to Munich!

So magical... I'd buy into BMW's art of engineering.

Kinetic Sculpture

Random clicking on the web on a sick day bears some surprising discoveries

I am actually a little freaked out by these moving skeletal monsters.

Monday, May 24, 2010


After a long day of marking, my colleagues and I decided to treat ourselves.
Since that day, I've not had the chance to show off these peepers except on weekends.
Maybe it's the consciousness to role model to students, or just simple unwillingness to open this can of worms.

I've been quiet.

I've been very quiet online. So the question is, have I been cruising or drowning in my career as a teacher? Currently, I'm happy to report that I've been coping well and am still looking forward to a fruitful career in teaching. My government should be well pleased to know that this recruit at least, has little to complain about and is enthusiastic about her vocation.

I wanted to start off my blog with the title, "My students have no life." That, however, is not exactly the most optimistic sentence in this sea of negativity my students are living in. Nonetheless, as I mark composition after composition, I am convinced that this generation needs help: to find meaning to life, to live fruitfully, to have life. To plainly speak, someone needs to teach this generation how to have fun.

Take for example what one 14 year old student writes (grammatically edited) :

The television is my life. I have been watching television since I was young so
the television is very important to me.

To be honest, I really wanted to cry when I read this statement. One might be consoling and say that young people are prone to exaggeration and have little understanding in enormity. Yet, knowing the power of words, I can't help but wonder how my students see themselves.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The way into a teacher's heart

Believe it or not, the way into a teacher's heart is not through flattery, but a self concious effort to recognise one's own flaws and work on them.

As a teacher, I cannot help but smile when realization and understanding dawns upon the faces of my students. The sheepish smiles and the subsequent determination not the make the same mistake again always makes my day.

Then again, it would not be harmful to write a good story about an inspiring teacher. Good stories are not designed to flatter nor do they have inconsequential examples, but are stories that cause the marking teacher to pause and reflect (even for a short 2 seconds during her busy marking).

In addition, as a plea to all students, try not to begin your sentences with 'And' or 'But' and never 'Because', not matter what you read on the Internet.

P.S. This was obviously done after marking Common Test scripts.

Why so different?

My students noted and subsequently asked, "Teacher, how come only NT students must go listen to police talk?"

The school had invited the police to give a talk on the dangers of drug abuse, and only the NT students were singled out to attend the talk.

My spirit sank as I struggled to give my students an answer. I could not explain to them that when they were slotted into the different streams, they were not only categorised simply by their academic ability but were also accorded labels on their behaviour and tendencies.

I wanted to tell them that though many of them came from broken families, had non existent guardians, and lived in poorer circumstances (as compared to the majority), it did not mean that they would most likely be people who commit crimes or took drugs. It also did not mean that all their friends were deviant criminals.

Yet, despite my will to believe in them, I knew that there are sociological links. At times like this, I feel really helpless.

Postscript: Great, when the students were asked if they knew of any friends or family members who had taken drugs before, hands were raised all across the auditorium. So thankful for the police officer who told them that drug users come from all walks of life, and are of all ages.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Two months

It's going to be two months since I started teaching.

I'm still trying to separate work from the personal. The key word is 'trying'.

I can't help but be reminded of my students, especially the naughty, energy sapping ones. I try distract my mind by watching television, playing computer games, or occupying myself with other activities like church matters, music matters etc. It does not work.

I awake with a sick feeling in my stomach. A classic symptom of stress.

I refocus my mind, and think positive thoughts like, "Today's a new day!", "Yesterday's baggages are yesterday's!", and "I LOVE my students! Warts and all."

Admittedly, it's just easier to sigh, be weary, be dejected, and give up.

But how can I possibly give up? I can't help but see a bit of myself in everyone of my students. And I'm reminded everyday of the second chances I have received and I am being given. So I have been given, so I can give.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Leave the work... totally

I'm learning to detach myself. To leave the work and all its emotions behind. So that I'm free to pursue the other things I want to do.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Class Test

20 scripts: 3 mediocre passes, 17 failures.

It's hard not to be depressed after marking. Questions and doubts always abound.
Where did I go wrong?
Was the paper too hard?
Were questions ambiguous?
Why did some give up?

Then again, as I look through the scripts, I'm thankful for the careful dedication to details some of my students poured in; annotations, highlights, interpretations.

I'm thankful that everyone of them turned up for the class test. Only two gave up midway and started answering 'I don't know' or leaving questions blank. Almost all gave concerted efforts to put down answers using their own words, and therefore show effort in understanding the passage instead of simple blind copying from the text.

That is victory.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Today was yet another day, where I had to adjust my thinking.

I'd like to think that I'm a pretty open person, open to new ideas and thinkings. Yet I realised today again, that I'm also another mere human, with preconceptions and assumptions.

So when I'm confronted with a reality check - I was flabbergasted. Again and yet again today.

I really have to change my thinking and realise AGAIN that people develop skills and abilities at a different rate; some alarmingly slower than others, some pleasantly faster than others. It's a lesson worth repeating.

Moreover besides skills and abilities but understanding, social skills, and what some of us think as simply 'maturity'.

I have however, come to realise that what we view as 'maturity' or 'common sense' is not that easily gained or transmitted. Sigh... patience, I need more patience and the ability to explain with the right words.

All that one learns in Uni, needs to be relearned in working life - especially when your occupation is so relational.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Everyday is a brand new day

I'm resolved to think this everyday and be grateful:

Everyday is a brand new day.

So I can change from yesterday.
I can believe in the impossible because one will never know what possibilities today may have.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

It's the weekend

And my brain is on my students.

This is ridiculous. After only 5 days, how can they occupy my thoughts so much?

I go to sleep wondering if they will turn up for class, if they'll hand up the homework, if they understood me, if I was too fierce, should I have said things differently?


My feet still aches and I feel guilty thinking that I've neglected my loved ones already.

Grumpy grumpy.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

This was a tiring day

Tiring partly because I made many mistakes.

Was late for three meetings, could not go for orchestra rehearsal, forgot some tasks, felt like vomiting etc...

In general, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

Monday, January 04, 2010

After the 1st day of work

My many emotions on the 1st day at work...

Uh.... What?



(Stifled laughter)






Humans sure are capable of many mixed feelings.