Sunday, December 24, 2006
Tis the season to be... Ach Tchoo!
The downside is the sneezing, and blocked nose, and the occasional scratchy throat.
Last night's party was fun! I learnt one thing about myself - I need to practise Taboo a lot more to compete with my s_. It was like the pro-league Taboo last night!
I'm bringing my Uno pack to all our gatherings, it's time for pro-league Uno! Plus Intercept.
I love my book! Thanks J_ for giving me what I wanted! (Though one part of my brain is laughing cos I may have inadvertedly manipulated you... Ahahaha....)
Thanks T_ and S_ too for the BodyShop gift! Though I won't use it much, cos my mum provides all the cleanser, moisturiser, perfume and cosmetics to my heart's content, it is still a very nice gift!
And thanks for the Good food, good wine and other drinks, and definitely the Good Company!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Of biscuity scones and salty cakes.
I suddenly remembered a remark I made to D_ on the way to the meeting - that every Christmas I get this sudden urge to bake. Which is funny, cos the last time I baked, it was in home economics class in secondary 2. It's weird, like my thoughts of beautifully baked cookies (I like the soft ones), brownies and SCONES (I LURVE scones!!!) would actually materialise as easily as I imagined. Of course not lah, the last time I baked was more than 10 years ago!
I still remember one funny baking incident in my home ec class, didn't happen to me, but to my classmates.... We were baking butter cakes, and they mixed up the sugar with the salt! We only knew when our teacher tasted it. She had this weird look on her face, kinda like didn't know whether to laugh or not. My classmate burst into tears, but the teacher comforted her saying that she would just mark them on the cooking skills and presentation. Seriously, it was a beautiful normal butter cake - except it was salty.
Later at recess, we started monkeying around, tricking people into sampling the salted cake. Hahaha... that was funny.
Yesterday G_ sms D_ that she was making scones and bringing to the meeting. Visions of beautifully large scones - with those raisin thingys, started appearing. When I saw the basket covered with cloth, I gave thanks for a friend like G_. The moment I uncovered the basket...
G_ was apologetic, but my visions of beautiful scones shattered. Tentatively I took a bite of the biscuity scone.
It was salty.
However when I reached the middle of the bisuity scone, I started tasting that lovely milky taste that I know to be - SCONE. Even for that brief moment, I was contented.
I'm off to attend Christmas tea at G_'s. I think she's trying to redeem for my shattered visions of scones. So before I leave, I would like to once again say thanks to G_. I'm once again having revived visions of beautiful scones - with the raisins thingies.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I'm Back!
hahaha... I'm just remembering all the things our team did to ra-ra the kids, though I wasn't one of the main 'cast' - just supporting role, it was just nice to mix with the kids. I learnt a lot of classroom management from the church worker Sister Sri. She's got a song for almost everything! A song and a cheer to ra-ra, to quiet down, to line up... etc etc...
Monday, December 04, 2006
I'm off again!
Nov was month of slacking and mugging alternatively. Cos end of the month was exams mah. Not healthy man... it's almost like bulimia - you starve yourself, then you binge and so on and so forth. New Year resolution? Take it easy, study in moderation, play in moderation and do them consistently.
Oh and as the subject title says, I'm going overseas! In 9 hours I'll be on Silkair flying to Medan for my first ever humanitarian trip! Thank you all my sponsors! The Roll of honour Goes:
Edmund - I hope you got your dream job!
Lynette - sorry for scaring you in China! :p
And of course, my lifesavers - Mummy and my bro - for countless giving money when I've gone down to my last dime prematurely... Ahahaha... -_-;
Oh! Also worthy of mentioning was my feat of mugging for the exams and rehearsing for Messiah at the same time! So 9am are my papers (there was one for each day, back to back) after the papers ended at 11.30, Go for lunch, then head down to Esplanade - study in the backstage lounge room, scram a bit of bite before 6.30pm rehearsal till 10pm, stagger back exhausted to home, study more till around midnight, sleep for the next day's 9am exam.
It was quite fun, but by the 3rd rehearsal I was feeling the side effects - grumpiness, spaced out, inability to focus on normal activities like walking, choosing what to eat (I just stood in front of the stall and blinked.) Oh and I nearly popped my eyes straining at the TINY notes - couldn't figure which line was that note on. Is that a sharp or a natural sign? The 3rd exam without a doubt, is the one I'm Most definitely insecure about.
So the Messiah concert on the 3rd came and went. Okay I'm being vague - it was quite a glorious feeling - playing to a packed concert hall (which I hadn't experienced since Birmingham - Orff's Carmina Burana) Best part of it? My goodness, the first rehearsal with the choir, despite the weak playing by the orchestra, sent chills down my spine. Something about hearing choruses singing 'Wonderful Counsellor' was just... ooh~ Indescribable.
So anyway, I'll be back with more stories on Sunday - Special waves to Em, Q_n and Elk_! Sorry, too lazy to reply back on the tagboard. haha
Special wave to my bro in Australia too! Don't let your managers catch you reading this!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
During my mid-term break I...

Check out the long tendrils.... Like some hairy monster. bwahahaha... FYI, that bunch right in the middle is the size of my fist. The hair stylist was funny, he asked if I wanted to take it home as a souvenoir. I declined but took a snapshot much to the amusement of the customer sitting next to me.
I realised that it doesn't look much different in front from the previous hair style, but my head feels really lighter. No more hair getting caught in the MRT seats, under the straps of my bags etc etc...

Bought a new organisor! I've downsized! Doesn't seem much on the outside...

Saturday, September 09, 2006
From Linz to Leningrad

Check this out. From Linz to Leningrad
“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”
- Victor Hugo
On 29 October 2006, The Philharmonic
Orchestra, under the direction of Maestro Lim Yau, sheds its former name (the Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra) to begin a new chapter, exploring Mozart’s Symphony No. 36 (“Linz”) and Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 7 (“Leningrad”).
Nicknamed after the cities they were composed in and yet written in vastly contrasting circumstances. While traveling through the city of Linz, Mozart composed “Linz” within a short span of four to five days in 1783. Two centuries later, the beleaguered Shostakovich wrote “Leningrad” during the 900-day siege of Leningrad in 1941.
Was Mozart conveying his thoughts towards the city of Linz or just fulfilling an aristocratic fan’s desires? Did Shostakovich express his emotions at the raging war or perhaps, his emotions toward Stalin?
We may never know their intentions, but in our examination of their symphonies, we ask: to what end can music accomplish in today’s world? Can music truly be the common language of different people or is it simply a reflection of time?
I have a runny nose!

I think the haze is causing the same symptoms in me that people in the temprete countries face - Hay Fever.
Except for the buzzing and itchy ears, the rest are pretty much the same. Urghed.
Anyway, as the article suggests, the best way to cope is to try to keep the discharge thin and transparent, by drinking loads of water, and keep these things NEAR me.

The best antihistemine tablet.
Indispensible dispensible TISSUE!
For my wantons
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
War pictures
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Weird Tutorial room in Uni
We went outside, thinking the switch was outside... nothing...
I thought maybe the switch was in the generator room next door... my friend laughed at my ignorance... but tried it anyway.
So in we went stumbling over chairs and tables, feeling the walls again... till my friend with a stroke of genius, reached down at the side and flicked a switch.

But NOOOooo... This is THE Famed university of engineering students! Where do we wire our switches???

Below the butt level, on the left.
Monday, July 31, 2006
To be welcoming
Not that we are deliberately Un-welcoming.
But that we are just happy to be surrounded with the friends we know and trust.
And neglect those we don't really know or trust.
Sometimes, we are caught up with our own troubles.
And keep to ourselves.
Leaving people to wonder if they had offended us.
It is afterall easier to pat a pal on the shoulder and say "Hello!".
Cos there is much to say and laugh about.
It is harder to hold out a hand to a stranger, or an acquaintance, and ask "How are you?"
Cos other than the mandatory "I'm good." there is little to say or laugh about.
Strange isn't it?
To have so much to say to and ask of someone whom you know so well.
Yet so little to say to and ask of whom you don't know a thing about.
There is of course, the natural fear of offending, of putting people off with strange customs and behaviours. But isn't it more offending not to be welcoming and include people into your merry making?
I would like to add to my motley collection of pals n gals, to extend a hand and embrace new relationships. Join the family, share with us your life as we share ours with you.
There is a Japanese custom when people join a new company or share a new home. "Take it easy on me" loosely translated. But I like it quite a lot because it says that I may offend, may not know your ways, may not know what is right or what is comfortable for you. But take it easy on me, I am new to you. It frees us from worrying about offending. Embolden us be ourselves, make mistakes and make changes.
Lets be friends. We'll get to know one another better, our likes and dislikes. We'll all change, including you. It comes because we deliberately change our lives to include new friends. With each change, each shift, there will be a certain rawness, a feeling of ill-suitability. But so much joy to have when the new becomes an essential part of life.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
I love looking at the Calendar

Figaro's finally over. The one thing good about this one, is that I was so busy and tired at the end of it, I didn't even have any withdrawal symptoms. You know... the usual lost feeling. Like you suddenly don't really know what you're suppose to do at night. Or just really miss playing, rehearsing... etc...
I gave up my trip this year to HK. Sob* I'm sorry An_!!! I'll save up for your wedding next year!
Not that I'm not going to travel this year, end of the year I'll be off to Medan for a humanitarian trip. Definitely looking forward to the new experiences, not looking forward to the fund raising...
I'm raising cultural standards in among my friends. First off is Cabaret (which really isn't cultural... more like eye opener raunch), then Ballet under the Stars (which come to think of it, isn't that cultural since my s_ are more motivated by the picnic...) Ah well...
Meanwhile I've been cleaning...
My newly cleaned room!!
My new workstation in the living room!
Daddy just installed a shelf beside my table, so now I've got that L-shape desk I always wanted! Well... there's no curve... but it's L-shaped! Woohoo...
My new desk! With a new shelf at the top, and shelf at the side... and for ample space for my long legs, Daddy removed the drawers attached to the desk!
A close up!
The Ikea desk I've been drooling over... like for a VERY long time.
Okies... this is all for my update.
Saturday, July 08, 2006

In the mean time, anyone keen on Cabaret??

Being a poor student, I of course will opt for the cheapest. 29 July, 3pm anybody? Let me know b4 15 July, cos then got early bird discount! hehehe...
Yeah I know! 29 July is the TCS Walkathon. I signed up with 7 other friends liao... People are opting for the shorter route.
We are all going to meet at 6.30am at Cityhall MRT. 6.30AM!!!! That's like... INCREDIBLY EARLY for me. Lord, please wake me up in time!
So my plans are: Go walkathon in the morning, then go for Cabaret in the afternoon. Anyway, walkathon's going to end by 11am. So btw 11am and 3pm, should be enough time for me to freshen up. That's the plan, that is.
OKies, I should go take a shower. Tomorrow's another long day... :p
Friday, July 07, 2006
Of course the first and no. rule about food for me is - No Chili. Pepper, curry (relatively) are fine... but the minute I taste the slightest bit of chili, trust me. I'd Know. Even if you were to use chili only to for garnishing or decorating, I'd still stay far far away from the dish.
I really don't like tomatoes. I know that they are great for me, good for the skin etc etc... but I REALLY don't like them. I would eat them, but it doesn't mean I like them.
I don't take sauces. I do take gravy, but NOT sauces like ketchup and mayonaise. I'm fine with all the seasonings, especially the Chinese ones.
I'm scared of eating whole fish cos I'm constantly wondering when I'm going to choke on a bone. I also don't like fish skin, I keep thinking I'm going to find a fish scale. And I view fishballs and fishcakes suspiciously.
I don't really eat meat. Seriously. No cravings there. My friend An_ will laugh, cos she stays away from red meat. And I kept ribbing her about it when she was on visit here. Like buying venison hor fun, and talking to the poor dead deer. bwahahaha... The only reason I eat is, cause in SG, you're considered vegetarian if you don't eat meat, and everyone expects you to at least eat chicken.
The one thing I do like is FRIED food. Hiyoh... Seriously, the availability of that in SG is incredible. Everywhere I look, something's fried. I'm not just talking about the usual fast food joints, like fish and chips or Macs. But things you find in the hawker centres: Yong tau foo, fried fish soup, cheap jap food... etc
Of course, when I'm suppose to stay away from meat (it's no big deal) and other delicacies (like snacks and FRIED food), daily living is quite a challenge...
I do like vegetables! Especially Big Green Leafy ones. And I find Broccoli cute.
I don't, however, eat ladies fingers (the name alone is gross). I don't like bitter gourd and I think that purple plant thing (think it's spelled brine jaw?) is weird. I don't particularly fancy carrots, but would eat it.
Okies, I'd better end off here and go back to eating my dad's noodles. It's stir fried with... shudder* Tomatoes!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Flu and Sweat
Before I begin my gross story, Q_H_: I DID NOT BUY uncountable number of items in Mustafa! I bought 1 pair of shoes, 1 pair of sandles (at OG), a hair brush, an eyelash curler and Friends Season 2 set! That's like 5 items for crying out loud!
anyway, so yesterday I was sorting out archives for the orchestra, when the dust from the archives, as well as the dust from the nearby renovation works began to irritate my nose. It got so bad, my nostrils began acting like leaky taps, I sneezed half my life away, and my eyes started scrunching up and sqeezing whatever juice there were in there.
Exhausted and left with half of my original lifespan, I took the Panadol flu tablets and went to sleep.
Inbetween snoozes, I woke up shivering and switched off the fan, I woke up perspiring and switched on the fan, and I woke up to grab some tissues and blow my nostrils sore.
Finally, in the evening I went for rehearsal. I was so miserable the only thing I desired was: Clarinase. I started making phone calls to people in the orchestra, asking if they were near any guardian pharmacy (cos there are none I can recollect near my house). So thankful there were a couple of them. So got my Clarinase, popped in the pill and waited it out. Meanwhile my muscles started aching, and my hands got so weak, they couldn't hold the bow for long periods of time.
And for some strange reason, yesterday cropped up a number of problems with the Figaro project. Of all days, Yesterday! Urghed, couldn't think, nose began leaking again, and all I wanted was to sleep.
Last night was another exercise in waking up to switch on and switch off the fan, and blowing my nose.
Needless to say, I'm tired. But I can't sleep. It's too hot to sleep! Besides I'm out again today to settle orchestra stuff again.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
As long as learning is connected with earning, as long as certain jobs can only be reached through exams, so long must we take this examination system seriously. If another ladder to employment was contrived, much so-called education would disappear, and no one would be a penny the stupider.
Anyone can confirm how little the grading that results from examinations corresponds to the final useful work of people in life.
Education is not a preparation for is life itself.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Choir was pretty good. Basses not enough i thought. But then again I like deep deep, resounding sound. haha
Didn't recognised any of the soloists. Sounds good too. But then again I'm no judge on vocals.
No used to the conductor. A reverend. But then again, his beats are consistent not like our conductor. hahaha... A bit plodding along though... cos we rehearsed at more dramatic tempo. Good for me though. Bwahaha... don't have to worry about playing fast. always seem to have a problem sounding good when playing fast. hahaha
Tonight rehearsal's at UCC. Maybe thinking of going down to NUH to donate blood. Maybe not. Too lazy. Gonna go back and take a nice nap on this wet wet day. hahaha
Monday, June 05, 2006
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
In addition, always check who's lecturing. Enough said.
That aside... the orch suddenly took up a BIG chunk of my time. The price for agreeing to be on committee.
Feeling guilt that GB is not getting enough of my time. Now's the time for me to be encouraging them in their exams and projects.
Q_n and Em: FLY ME TO THE MOON, get me outta here!!! I'm soo not in the mood to plan for the next year. Still feeling gum about the results for last exams.
Dear L_... Need you much more... Need more strength, determination... more faith, more passion, more assurance, more love, more compassion, more time, more effort... Feeling Restricted!! Urghed!!! Need to break out, and go go GO!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Torino Winter Olympics on You Tube
(Sparks of Passion - cool advertisement for Torino)
(The great Pavarotti sings at Torino - can't tell if its closing or opening ceremony -_-;)
(Men's figure skating champion, Russia's Evgeni Plushenko - short programme)
(Men's figure skating champion, Russia's Evgeni Plushenko - long programme)
(Women's figure skating champion, Japan's Shizuka Arakawa - long programme)
(Women's figure skating, Japan's Fumie Suguri - short programme)
(Women's figure skating, USA's Sasha Cohen - long programme)
(Men's figure skating champion, Russia's Evgeni Plushenko - Gala programme)
(Women's figure skating champion, Japan's Shizuka Arakawa - Gala programme)
(Women's figure skating silver, USA's Sasha Cohen - Gala programme)
(Doubles' figure skating champions, Russia's Tatiana and Maxim - Gala programme)
(Doubles' figure skating, China's Jian Dong and Qing Pang - Gala programme)
(Interview with 1988 women's champion, Katarina Witt)
Friday, April 07, 2006
You Tube - Stress Buster 2!
You Tube - stress buster!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
24 years ago on this day
I'm serious!
Check out the URL: Falkland Islands
Also: If you have no idea where Falkland Islands are... in fact, if you didn't even knew about the place...
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
The day I took a break...

They are GOOD. Gosh... the drum Lewis Pragasam was like totally loosed limbed and relaxed, no sweat breaking. I suspect Bob James had classical training, I heard a lot of romantic chords and progressions being used! Not totally jazz. Nathan East! WOOoaah.... he's so cool, plays the bass like an electric guitar. He's pretty versatile too! Sang his own compositions and whistled in tune! Too bad the sound for the Korean guitarist was so soft. Everytime he played the other 3 had to tone down so we could hear him. >_<; But the chemistry between the musicians were so totally cool. A lot of musical jokes thrown in for good measure too! Like those big band endings. hahaha... they were so exaggerated!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
It's been a week since I last blogged
My bro is back from Australia in SG. Yups, I'm happy, my parents are happy, everybody's happy. My bro is lurving the food in SG.
Enough about him and more about me. hahaha...
The past couple of weeks were tiring. Not physically tiring, but emotionally.
Nonetheless my brother is back in SG. Going out with him might be a form of escape from my problems, but I certainly don't feel the emotional stress now as I did previously.
Happy also that spring break is next week. ... to quote my tutor "I can't believe I actually said spring break?! What spring??!" Okay okay... recess week. hahaha
So I'm gonna take a short break from all my activities. I've cut down my meetings, cut down my rehearsals, cut down my socialities. Gonna streamline my life back to its basics. L_, meet me!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
For the greater good
1 packet of Milo (homogenous)
1 pack of Milo = 6 packets
1 carton of Milo = (as many no. packs you can fit into the carton)
1 box of Milo = (as many no. of cartons you can fit into the box)
1 crate of Milo = (as many no. of boxes you can fit into the crate)
1 container of Milo = (as many no. of crates you can fit into the container)
1 tin of Milo = 1 tin of Milo powder (three sizes: tiny (found only in non Asia Pacific countries), small and large.)
Henceforth, if thou haft a craving for homogenous milo, thou will decree, "One needs 1 packet of Milo, homogenous." And thou shalt have it for the price of $1, Canteen B_, Uni.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
My ic is back!
They were found in my mail box, bundled in an empty envelope. The person who took my wallet probably dropped them in my mail box.
The cash and my guitar picks are gone. Nonetheless, Yay!
I don't have to make a new matric card, nor fork out 100 bucks for a new ic!! Phew*
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Imagined kind stranger
Red for me, Purple for her
....Yar I hope the guy will find my number in the wallet, call it and return to me.
Ooh... a GUY huh....
Silence for a good 5 seconds.
Oh. Hahaha sorry. Took me awhile to catch your meaning. Blur
Yar, maybe he'll be a commited Christian, maybe serving in church, or some Christian ministry like Boys Bridgade.
And be tall!
Taller than you! Hahahaha
Yar let's hope he's handsome too
And while we're at it, let's give him a million bucks.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Left Behind Wallet
How? I was sitting at the hawker centre waiting for my friends, frantically looking out for them, cos they didn't get my phone number properly. When I saw them, I ran out, conveniently leaving my wallet on the table. We hailed a cab down immediately, otherwise we'd be locked out of service. I only realised it was gone when I reach into my bag for my wallet.
Yup. Made police report.
Told L_.
Waiting and trusting.
By the end of the week, no news... I'll just start getting new cards etc etc...
Upset? Oh yar... it was REALLY difficult to concentrate. But then I made a choice. I chose to worship and leave my worries into God's hands.
Now? It's really just material stuff. Nothing eternal. Sure, I'm kicking myself cos I indirectly made my mum give me more money. And made my australian friend (whom I'm hosting for 3 days) worried. Mostly, that after such a good track record of 3 years (not losing my wallet) I did it again.
Good thing though was, my australian friend got to see a real life Singapore Police Headquarters. Well... at least the reception area. Oh and gasp! My primary school ballet classmate recognised me. She's an officer at the police station. SO COOL RIGHT? I got a police officer classmate. hahaha....
We just came back from the Night Safari. It was an AWESOME time. Em is SERIOUSLY a GREAT running commentary. hahaha my friend was really impressed and so very glad to have met her. R_zi too! For getting us discounted tix! THANK YOU!!!!
Poor australian friend. She's still suffering from jet lag. hahahaha She's getting better though. Now she just switches off at 11pm instead of 10pm like last night.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I got my fridge!!!

Installed and ready to use!! YAY!!!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Flashback 3: Old tape record
*Blue for the voice of my brother
*Red for my voice
*Sound of plastics hitting against each other and high pitched "Hiiieeeeaaah! Hah! Wham!" intermediating between screams and laughter. Sounds gradually getting louder and louder.
*Loud "PIAK!"
"No No NOOOOoooo"
"I'm going to tell Mummy!"
"No No... I NEVER!!!"
*Sound of footsteps pounding away and down the steps as the "No No NOooo..." continues on.
"Mummy! JT broke the racket!"
"No No NOooo.... I NEVER!!!!"
*End of tape
Okay... in case you didn't get it... My brother and I were playing swordsmen with our toy tennis rackets. Mine broke and he went to tell on me.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Mini flashback 2
Mummy and Daddy went on a mini break to Batam/Bintam (I don't remember).
Kor kor becomes the purse holder.
After school (primary I think), I bounced into the house and switch on tv. Bwahahaha... we can watch tv as long as we want!
Kor kor comes home from school too (secondary 1 or 2 I think) and quips, "What you want for dinner?"
"MACDONALD'S!!!" I respond enthusiastically.
"OKAY!!" He responds equally enthusiastically.
We grin at each other and troop off to the nearby MacDonald's.
When our parents are around, the below notes are the usual norm:
*Note 1: Watching excessive TV is a no go. Moreover watching tv after coming home from school, not bathing and changing into fresh clothes will deserve a good scolding.
*Note 2: Eating Macs is a luxury reserved for weekends. Macs for Dinner is unheard off.
Conscious that she was walking further from her parents and her older brother.
"Never mind, mummy and daddy will be here. I'll be nearby," she thought to herself.
"Hello little girl, you want to try?" a stall attendant handed out a little scoop and indicated to the containers of adorable goldfishes and guppies.
She eagerly took the offered scoop and squatted next to the containers, looking for the cutest fish.
In went her scoop, but no matter how fast she tried to catch the fish, they always swam elusively away from her.
The stall attendant laughed, "You'll kill my fish chasing them like that."
Taking the scoop from JT, he whisked a little guppy into an awaiting plastic bag filled with water.
"Here you go," he gave the bag to K, "free lah, no need to pay."
JT. beamed and peered at the little guppy in the bag. "Why so small?" she asked the attendant.
"Wah, you want big one huh? No lar, you little girl should get little fish. See this one? So cute. Baby, like you."
She peered hard again at the fish.
"Okay," she beamed at the attendant and he handed her the bag.
"Careful huh... don't drop. What must you say?"
"Thn'k que" she mumbled shyly.
She walked quickly to find her parents, all the while careful not the shake the bag. But for some reason they were no longer at the place she left them.
Alarmed, she starting looking around. Her parents were lost! She had lost her parents!
The sky was becoming grey and she felt the first drop of rain falling on her hand.
Panic seized her and her eyes welled up with tears. "Mummy?" she tried calling out tentatively.
Suddenly an angry voice called her, "JT! Where you go? Mummy and Daddy want to go off already." Her brother grabbed her wrist and pulled her off.
Filled with relief and then impending doom at the thought of her parents being angry with her, little JT started to sob and later progressed onto full force wailing.
Her brother groaned in exsperation. Now mummy and daddy were going to blame him for her crying. Everytime also like that. Argh.
Rainy days and toilets

Fresh flowers in the toilet! The guys toilet also have them!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Solving the problem of rain and clothes


Agent Em setting up the dynamite
Close up shot of low budget mission gadgets
Secure gadget to metal railing
Load and Ready