I met Andrew, he's one of the cast! haha, both he and I were shocked to see each other holding an Esplanade pass for the same production. Except that I'm in the pit, he's on stage. I wear black and light makeup, he wears a dull assortment of colours and thick makeup.
Hmm... but I'll be glad when everything is over. Just tiring... travelling EVERYDAY to the same place, and playing the same music over and over again. Thank goodness, mistakes are rarely the same. hahahaha...
Tonight the stage production were over enthusiastic with the smoke machine. They made so much smoke/mist, that it spilled over the stage into the pit! hahaha... Similarly, the falling fake flakes made of paper, were flying into the pit. Guess they know that with one night more to go, it's time to use up most of the stuff? hahaha...
I realised that my bass section tend to be the most enthusiastic lot to get onto the pit. Much to my embarressment... okay okay, I know there's nothing to be embarressed about, but honestly it's really awkward to sit facing a lot of empty seats, and the audience staring down at you, wondering where is the rest of the orchestra.
My conductor likes to do funny things with the gong that starts the Chinese dance. Not content with a mere gesture for a soft gong, he later requested for a loud bang on the gong. Unfortunately, we were using the smaller one that resulted more in a CLANG~! rather than CHIANG~! Later on the percussionists brought the bigger gong, which made a more impressive and deeper CHIANG~. The funny part was seeing the conductor's range of gestures, from the finger pointing, the mere dipping of the tip of his baton, the sweeping arm, the swinging fisted punch and finally... everyone's favourite, the exaggerated dramatic nod of the head... though that did cause a split second of confusion for the percussionist.
I got my first Christmas present! A little teddy bear which I demanded from Y. the 1st trumpeter. Cos last night he gave one to K. and I was so fascinated with the soft fur I tried to kidnap it. So to keep me from stealing K's, Y said he'd get me one. hahaha Yay! The little teddy sat on our stand the ENTIRE ballet. So adorable!

I was still coughing, but it's healing already. At least now my coughs are once a while and not a series.
I think it came with the realisation that I need to STOP talking. So for the past few days, before my performance I've been diligently cooping myself at home and just watching tv. You don't need to talk to watch TV. But my parents esp. dad found me strangely unwilling to talk. Daddy even tried to irritate me by watching me surf the internet. *please, I'm old enough to vote and can therefore govern myself. But then again, they can always blame it on my PMS. hahahaha....
Tomorrow's going to be a long day, got a training session on the bass guitar in the afternoon, the performance at night and finally the cast party. I hope I get a ride home. I think I'll do something nice for E. hahahaha...
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