I was watching Pretty Woman, ostensibly to locate a particular song in the soundtrack for a lesson I'm planning, but basically watching the movie again... Haha
I've located my favourite scenes: firstly it's when Vivan and Edward go to the opera. Noo.... it's my favourite because of the opera, but when everyone looks at her as she walks down the hall.

I think it must have been every girl's fantasy or at least my childhood fantasy to be an attractive woman and have everyone admire you. Maybe that's why walking down the aisle on your wedding day is a must. It's your day for everyone's attention to be centred on you and for you to be dressed in the finest.
My second favourite is this scene when Edward and Vivian spend the day together and go horseback riding in the setting sun.

Besides the cool factor of having the horse riding skills, the glow of the setting sun on Vivian's red hair and Edward in an open collar shirt just spells Burberry. Maybe it's the gap... you usually see Edward in corporate suits, and being in a relaxed mood, plus the good looks just made me go over this short scene over and over again. LOL