Ooh... found this in my laptop! Must have forgotten to post it up. Hmmm... well I like Geylang Serai! People there are so ORIGINAL... Really! You meet all sorts of people there! Old, young, hippy, sleazy, down to earth, sleep on the streats and even one crazy old shirtless man who tried to speak loudly (but had a whizzing kinda voice) and gestured to us in some dialect! I just pretended that I know what he was talking and look like I'm agreeing with whatever he was saying. :p
Oh don't worry! He wasn't scolding us! I would have recognised that tone! He was just making some philosophical observations, like most old men like my dad and my tutor. (haha whoops, ok okay~ so my tutor's not an old man. But his habits sure belong to that category!)
It's been a long time since I did Flag. Hmmm must have been like 3 years or more. The last time I did was before I left for Birmingham. Got tips from Mummy; need to be proactive, approach even if the person avoids your eye contact. Speak up loudly and be ready with a big SMILE!
Mummy's track record was filling up her ENTIRE can in less than the 2 hours scheduled. Hey, what was mine? I think my can was about 7/8 full! Heehee so proud of myself.
For myself beyond the 'fill the can up!' objective, I wanted to challenge myself on my approach to people. Most of us don't realise it, but there are certain people we would instinctive want to avoid. Hmm... maybe just because we are uncomfortable and uncertain how to react when speaking to them. For me, I was consciously approaching EVERYONE. Old, Young, poor looking, rich looking, even the busy looking people. Haha, just cut into their path, SMILE and speak to them.
There were kind people who donated again even though they had already donated, students who didn't want the stickers but just wanted to do their part, shop keepers (whose shops I was standing in front of) who came up and plonk in their contributions while taking a break to smoke, then the nice people who apologise for having only small change to contribute.
It's okay! Every little contribution helps!
After the 2 hours, my left shoulder joint was locked. Well, not locked but strained. Guess I've been holding the can in the roughly same position. Ooh I met my friend who also contributed. The funny thing was when she came up to me and laughed,
You very eng uh?!
Hahaha, I still got your money in my can! Bwahahaha...
Debs and Qin were so sweet, bought me ice cold bottled water, and kept hounding me to drink more and not be dehydrated! Love you all! Even Mel! who's future we were collecting contributions for... haahha just kidding, her fiance works in TCS mah... The best part was Mel didn't even wake up in time to join us for flag. Hahahaha...
After all that I was tired. Went shopping at Marine parade before I left for TCT. Gosh! Okay, maybe I was just really tired, but MAN those girls CAN shop! I felt like a guy waiting for his girlfriend. So I slumped onto the sofa outside the Giordano changing rooms and waited for the girls to shop, shop, shop to their hearts content. Took the above picture while trying to stay awake on the couch. After that I gave up and took a quick nap. When I left them, they were still shopping at giordano! What more can I say about their shopping prowress?